Graphics update 7/07/07
If you look to the top of this blog, you can see how the top of the game graphics will look like. Well, most of it anyway. Different font for the name and other changes plus a lighter color for the website then what you can see now.
Also, I noticed we have some visitors coming back and checking for new articles. I suggest subscribing by RSS or email (both options in the right sidebar), and you’ll be notified when there are new articles on the blog. Just to spare you the time of checking the blog, since we’re sometimes updating at longer intervals :).
Wow…way to rip off the warrior image from Guildwars. Wait til they hear about this. Seriously…couldn’t you create your own image? If you can’t even do that much surely the game won’t be much either.
Thanks for letting us know. Appreciate it. You can find my reply here: