Alpha Test Launched

It’s buggy, not finished, but since we delayed it enough already, it’s launched! is the location of the alpha test for Imperial Ages

Please keep in mind that this is a test and there is a lot of small and big stuff that needs adjusted, repaired or added. Use the Imperial Ages Forums or the Report a bug feature in the game to report any bugs, ask questions or give some extra ideas of what you’d like to see.

You can contact me at with any questions.

Right now you can mostly do buildings and troops. All the buildings take about 5 minutes to complete for each level, because the times aren’t done yet.

Enjoy, and please let us know what you think and what you’d like improved in the game for the final version. This is the reason of the alpha test after all. Knowing what you like and what you don’t, finding all the bugs, correcting grammatical errors that we might’ve overlooked.


If you have problems with the account activation, please leave a comment below with the username and we’ll activate it manually. It seems that there is a problem but we can’t replicate it yet.

We took out the mail activation until we can fix it.

Also, the login/registration looks horrible on Linux. Hopefully we’ll fix it in the next few days.

Posted by: on Oct 15th, 2007
In: Alpha Test
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